Handling Tests


  • Steering Performance & Steerability
  • Lane Change tests
  • Single & Continuous Sine Test
  • Slalom Test
  • Weave Test

  • Step Steer Test
  • Pulse Input Test
  • Steady State Circular Test
  • ESC Test etc.

Steering Robots

AB Dynamics steering robots apply accurate, controlled inputs to a vehicle's steering system as required for a wide range of tests including for transient handling behavior, ADAS testing, legislative tests (fishhook, sine-dwell etc.), steering system evaluation, durability and misuse testing. They enable a wide range of steering inputs to be applied with high precision and repeatability, to enable high quality data can be gathered quickly. All AB Dynamics steering robots can be used in a path-following or driverless system.

Inertial Navigation System

Accurately and reliably capturing vehicle dynamics measurements can be stressful. Not only does the measurement system need to be accurate, its data needs to be repeatable, with low latency and a high update rate. It also needs to interface with other acquisition systems.

Steering Wheel Sensors

Universally applicable measurement steering wheels for non-contact measurement of steering moment, steering angle and steering speed; for vehicle driving dynamics tests like ISO 4138, steady-state circular course drive.

Wheel Vector Sensor

EZMotion is a high speed stereo vision system capable of recording motion, relative motion, deformation of different components in a structure. Single or multiple units can be connected to register all important motion from, for example, the suspension systems.

Wheel Vector Sensor

The LHS is used for non-contact distance measurement, for pitch and roll angle measurement as well as for dynamic camber angle measurement. The sensor works according to the triangulation principle and is available with different measuring ranges.